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Lake Como is filled with colors during the spring. Therefore, this is the perfect occasion for a vacation on the lake, to explore the beauty of the place when the weather is still not too hot.

in primo piano ramo di albero con foglie verdi e giardino con cancello. sullo sfondo il lago blu con barche e montagne
Como Lake

This week I’m suggesting the most beautiful things to do and see during the spring… keep on reading to discover the Spring Offers!


The beauty of our territory mainly comes from the nature around us. There’s also many museums and indoor activities, but with the arrival of the warm season it would be a pity to not visit the splendor and greatness of our landscape.


Listen carefully… Villa Carlotta is beautiful all year long. But during the spring, its garden fills itself in colors to such an intensity that will make the memory unforgettable.

Scultura di fiori di due papere con fiori colorati tutti attorno
Villa Carlotta's Garden

The Italian garden is waiting for you with its roses, citruses tunnel and camellias.

The romantic garden will touch you with its hortensias (even though the best period for this “colored balls” is the summer), English roses, the rocky garden with cactuses, azaleas and tropical plants.

Trying to explain with words the elegance and the majesty of this garden is almost impossible.

Have a look at the Villa’s website to discover more on its amazing garden

Of course, also all the other Villas with gardens on Como Lake are equally perfect for the visit during the spring, like Villa Melzi or Villa Balbianello.

sentiero tipo mulattiera con edera verde su roccia . sullo sfondo campanile e il lago
Lake Como's Greenway

Cutting across beautiful villages and the lake’s landscape, the Greenway is a nice walk, perfect for the springtime: when the panorama fills up with color and it’s still not too hot for walking under the sun.

The greenway is a 10-km-long path that cuts through some of the loveliest towns of the city: Colonno, Sala Comacina, Ossuccio, Lenno, Mezzegra, Tremezzo e Griante.

For information on itineraries, visit the website


Nesso’s “orrido” is a natural gorge through which two streams flow and - as they fall into the lake - form a suggestive waterfall.

borgo sul lago di como, case ricoperte da edera un ponte di pietra e una cascata
Nesso's gorge

Overlooking the gorge’s Belvedere you can see the village of Nesso, with a glimpse on the famous Civera bridge, and - of course - on the lake.

This is a great opportunity to discover the little town, also because if you follow the directions for “Ponte della Civera”, you'll walk through colorful houses and eventually arrive to the lake.


Argegno is a small town, but also one of north Italy’s prettiest villages. The inner part of the town, the old one, is very charming. Here you walk through little streets among the colorful houses. Very characteristic is also the rocky bridge that crosses the river. Moreover, in front of the harbor there’s the Santissima Trinità Church. The inside is characterized by enchanting mosaics and colorful frescoes.

Near here we find the station of the cable car, that connects Argegno to Pigra, a small village on the top of the overlooking mountain.

For information on timetables and prices, visit the website

In Pigra you can follow different paths, but I would suggest the one that departs from the station and leads you through the streets of the town, with 18th-century buildings and passing by Piazza Fontana, a square at the center of the town.

I’ll leave down here a map with the main paths. The one I was just talking about is the red one.

mappa di sentieri a Pigra, lago di como
Pigra's path, in red

Jennifer’s tip:

As last tip, I’d like to suggest an itinerary that I made myself:

Sunrise in Ossuccio and sunset in Brunate

Once arrived in Ossuccio you can enjoy the sunrising from Ossuccio’s park. You will slowly see the colors come alive and the birdsong will break the silence.

Alba sul lago con montagne alberi
Sunrise in Ossuccio

After the sunrise, I suggest to use the morning for a visit of the town. Ossuccio doesn’t have a main square or an attraction that can be considered as the center of the town. However, it still has a lot to offer from an historical level, since it already existed in the roman period. I’d suggest to not miss the church of Santa Maria Maddalena, which bell tower is pretty suggestive.

Another church is the San Giacomo one, very small but with a very characteristic bell tower.

Lastly, I suggest to go up the Sacro Monte and the Beata Vergine Sanctuary. On the way you’ll also pass by the Sant’Anna church, great for a stop. The Sacro Monte was declared Unesco heritage in 2003.

Over there waiting for you are hundreds of statues, the baroque church and, above all, the statue of the Virgin Mary with the baby.

tre croci al tramonto
Sunset in Brunate

The rest of the day is free. Then, in the evening, you’ll head towards the Brunate lighthouse (I suggest to go there before sunset, so that you can get to the top before closing time) and once the sun hides behind the mountains, you’ll be able to enjoy the scenery from the panoramic terrace under the lighthouse. Slowly the mountains and the lake loose their color, to leave space to the darkness of the night, with all of the lights of the towns along the lake.


If I didn’t suggest the best ways to save money during your holidays, I wouldn’t be a good friend!

With the offerSpring Days, Fly Away”, available only on the website of Hotel Paradiso ( you book whenever you want for the entire month of March and you’ll get a 10% discount .

The offer is valid from March 1st to April 4th and - as I was saying - will give you 10% off from all refundable rates.

Even with this offer you’ll have all the Smart Club Benefits included.

For further details on the offer, visit the website:

And then, if you want to actualize my suggestion, our hotel lies 90 meters from Brunate’s lighthouse, it’s therefore perfect for the day “Sunrise in Ossuccio and sunset in Brunate”. Here you can relax all afternoon on our panoramic terrace as you sip a drink, until sunset.

ragazza con cocktail giallo in mano che guarda lago e montagne
Panoramic Terrace

We are waiting for you… and you? What are you waiting for?

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